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Weak Erection Or Bad Erection?
Weak Erection Or Bad Erection?
Group: Registered
Joined: 2021-04-30
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The secretion has a pungent smell of fish, pus • Itching in the urogenital tract • Redness and swelling of the head of the penis • Infertility caused by changes in the composition of the ejaculate • Burning sensation in the urethra during urine discharge • General state of intoxication, which is manifested by a weakening of appetite, insomnia, difficulty in adopting a comfortable position of the body • The appearance of purulent, cheesy, frothy discharge from the urethra.





During sexual stimulation, the excitement originating in the brain spreads along the spinal nerves to the penis, in the cells of which a powerful vasodilator is produced - NITROGEN OXIDE. Erection: How Does It Work? Erection is a unique phenomenon based on a complex mechanism, the main role in which belongs to the vessels that bring blood to the cavernous and spongy bodies. As a result of increased blood flow (and at the same time, temporary cessation of outflow) during sexual arousal, the penis increases in volume and becomes elastic.





Eat a healthy diet and exercise more to improve your health and circulation. Keep track of your weight. Maintaining a healthy weight, combined with exercise and diet, also reduces the risk of diabetes, which can lead to ED. Being overweight increases your risk of developing hypertension and high cholesterol, which in turn damage your blood vessels. Good blood circulation plays an important role in maintaining an erection.





If you are overweight, then there is a possibility that getting rid of even a few extra pounds, you can solve the problem of erectile dysfunction. For diagnosis, you must consult a doctor - sex therapist. Treatment of impotence in men is carried out in a comprehensive manner and must take into account the cause. He will examine the genitals, ask questions of interest regarding the nature and frequency of erection, and also prescribe the necessary examinations: duplex ultrasound and computed tomography of the penis, rheography, etc.





Sometimes urine is even given drop by drop. • The need to tighten the abdominal muscles to empty the bladder completely • Increased body temperature (in acute inflammation, hyperthermia reaches high limits) • Asthenovegetative disorders - irritability, depression, insomnia, mood swings • Involuntary discharge of urine, which causes significant psychological problems Inflammation of the prostate gland is manifested by the following symptoms: • Pain and irritation while urinating • Lumbosacral backache • Sluggish stream during urination.





Prostatitis Inflammation of the prostate gland caused by hypothermia, blood congestion, excess weight, a sedentary lifestyle. Prostatitis is acute and chronic: if the pathology is not eliminated at an early stage of development, it takes on a protracted form. In the female body, male hormones are necessarily present, and male hormones cannot exist without female ones. But it is imperative that all this diversity exists in balance.





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