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myetherwallet json vs. private key generator
How to Recover Your Old Ethereum Wallet with MEW
myetherwallet json vs. private key generator
Lost Private Key | MyEtherWallet Knowledge BaseHow to Access Your Wallet on MEW web | MyEtherWallet Knowledge Base
I also have the JSON file but I don't have the password for. Given I have the private key and can access the wallet, can I generate new keystore or.
How to Access Your Wallet on MEW web | MyEtherWallet Knowledge Base
How to Recover Your Old Ethereum Wallet with MEWDifferences between wallet types (e.g. private key vs keystore)
Hardware wallets use the highest security measures to encrypt a private key within the device itself, keeping phishers and hackers at bay. Users of most hardwares wallets do not receive their private key, but instead receive a word mnemonic phrase for recovery purposes. The devices are also usually accompanied by a pin code or password used to unlock the device, and all information about each wallet is kept on the actual physical device itself. When creating a wallet with MEW wallet, your private key is kept encrypted on a secure, local vault in your phone. For backup, you are given a mnemonic phrase much like the hardware wallets above. The wallet is also accompanied by a pin or password, which is used to unlock it on your device. These wallets each have their own connection processes, but it always boils down to the same action- scanning a QR code with your app to connect to MEW. It offers all the functionality of the web-version of MEW in the convenience of an toolbar extension. It also hosts the ability to interact with web-based Dapps, such as CryptoKitties. Step 2. Step 4. Step 5. It also generates a word mnemonic phrase for recovery purposes. MetaMask allows users to name their separate wallets, see funds within the extension, and offers the option to import the private key information of a previously created wallet, if desired. This key is encrypted with a chosen password by the user. As such, it is impossible to change the password for these files. Keystore files should not be opened. Step 3. This is a list of 12 to 24 words that are generated and given to users upon certain forms of wallet creation i. Sometimes these phrases have an extra word associated with them, and sometimes they do not. It is best to only use this phrase for recovery purposes. The private key is a string of 64 characters tied permanently to a public address. This is sometimes given to users when wallets are created and sometimes kept encrypted in the case of the MEW wallet app, MetaMask, and Hardware Wallets. This should not be the main method of entry for anyone to access their wallets. Private keys are the number one most sensitive information anyone can have for a wallet, because private keys allow immediate access and can never be changed. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep this safe, secure, and secret. If you would like to create a wallet from scratch, please refer to this article on how to create a wallet. Step 6. Step 1. Login to your MetaMask wallet via their Chrome Extension. Confirm connection in the MetaMask pop-up window. We highly suggest using MEW offline for this option. Choose whether it was a 12 or 24 word phrase, then fill out the form. Private Key The private key is a string of 64 characters tied permanently to a public address. To connect with Private Key: This is not a recommended way to connect. Copy and paste your private key into the value field. Share to. This is a very simplified version of how encryption works, but it gets the point across. The result is a file that looks a lot like gibberish if you open it, which there is no reason to do, do not open your JSON file! This file simply holds your encrypted private key within it, which is why you have to use your chosen password to unlock your wallet via this method. If you choose a weak password, and a hacker gets hold of your encrypted key, they can bruteforce it until they discover what password you used. Pick a strong password for a strong encryption! As mentioned above, you cannot change your password without generating a completely new JSON file. Step 1. Step 4. Step 6. Can I Change my Password? For more information on other methods of access, check out our article on how to access a wallet. Step 2. This does not mean generating an entirely new wallet. Step 3. Enter a strong password, and save the wallet. This will be the new password for your JSON file, so choose wisely. Step 5. Enter in the password you just made. Share to.